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Do you want to publish a book? Well, I can help!

I’ve written and published three books in four years with one of the biggest names in the game. No matter where you are in the process, I’ve been there. Getting a book deal can be a lot of work, but it’s nothing compared to the process of writing one, which is a cake walk compared to promoting one! Each phase of leveling up brings its own challenges and I’m ready to coach you through them either Before the Deal or From Signing to Shelf”.

Before the Deal

Ready to add author to your resume, but just not sure where or how to start? I’m ready to answer all your questions and provide some guidance with a 90-minute consultation call.

We can discuss common pain points like:

  • Why literary agents are important and what they do.

  • The difference between self, hybrid and traditional publishing and which would make the most sense for your goals as an author.

  • How to write a compelling proposal (without completely losing your voice and making it read like a college thesis paper).

  • Decoding the process of the traditional publishing process.

  • What publishers are usually looking for in a first-time author.

From Signing
to Shelf

How to Successfully
Write & Promote a Book


Congrats, you’ve got the book deal! Now it’s time to do the work.

Being an author, especially a first-time one, is part thrilling and part terrifying. You’re thrust into a new world without much of an orientation. There’s often an expectation that you already know and understand how the process works. But you don’t! And no one cares more for your book baby than you, which means sometimes you have to advocate for yourself.

That’s where I can help.

From Signing to Shelf provides one-on-one guidance to help you navigate the experience of writing and promoting your book.

What to Expect

From Signing to Shelf includes four, 90-minute calls with Erin. After the call, you’ll receive follow up notes and a suggested action plan for next steps. These discussion will be spaced out along your journey from the deal to publication. Erin will be available to you via email for one-off questions and support. You’ll also have access to a community of other authors and Erin will host quarterly, digital happy hours where we all share our success, vent our frustrations and collaborate on techniques that have worked.

The program will be customized based on your needs and experience level, but key takeaways include:


Developing an effective preorder campaign for your book.

Preorders are a critical part of a book launch. You need people buying your book before it already hits the shelves, which helps encourage stores to actually stock your book. Preorders can also help push your book to make best seller lists. Unfortunately, a lot of people like to wait until the book is out to buy it, so you need to know how to encourage people to opt-in early.

Building a launch team.

Sure, your publisher will probably have an in-house marketing and publicity team providing some guidance, but they’re working on other projects too. You need to be proactive in order to have a successful launch. Building a launch team — especially with your most devoted fans — is a critical part of getting the word out in a grassroots way.

Strategies to get media coverage for your new book.

Writing is the easy part. Promotion is where the grind really starts and not all first-time authors get a lot of handholding from publishers. P.S. You probably don’t need to hire a fancy publicist!

Understanding the jargon of the publishing world

What are books on reserve, do you have to pay an index fee, the rules are subsidiary rights and what exactly “final” means to your editor.

Scripts to (gently) push back against your publisher

You probably won’t always agree with the direction your publisher wants to go with your book. From titles to cover art to even the marketing copy, it’s critical to know when and how to tactfully and effectively push back.

Creating and marketing a book tour

It’s rare for authors to get much, if any, financial assistance from their publisher for a book tour — so you need to learn how to create and fund one yourself.

Mostly, Erin will help keep you sane during this exciting, but overwhelming experience.

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Erin’s Experience

(Don’t bios always sound better in third person?)

The Broke Millennial series is published with TarcherPergiee, a Penguin Random House imprint. Erin has been in the writing, editing and publishing and promoting cycle since 2016 when she inked her first book deal. Broke Millennial came out in May 2017, Broke Millennial Takes On Investing in April 2019 and Broke Millennial Talks Money in December 2020. Suffice to say, she’s been through the wringer a few times!

Erin and her books have been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Refinery29, Fast Company, MarketWatch and on The Rachael Ray Show, Fox & Friends, CNBC, BBC, and Yahoo Finance. She’s had hundreds of media hits in her years as “Broke Millennial”.

In 2019 she mounted a nine-city book tour that included sponsorship and ticketed events. More than 100,000 copies of her books have been sold and they’re in bookstores nationwide and in Canada.


Interested in Working Together? Contact me.